Author: Michelle

Party 0

Party Food for Guys and Dolls

We aren’t very busy people, but on this particular weekend we had two events to attend. Not ones to show up empty handed, there is always some thought that goes into what type of party...

Jordan Quotes 1

Jordan Quotes — Part 1

Most Life With Jordan posts end in a classic one-liner from our protagonist. Here are a few Jordan quotes that don’t need a lead up. On buying groceries: “Do you want me to get...

Cannibal 3

The Accidental Cannibal

I am not known in our house as being a put-together kind of woman. I often have stains on my shirts and I usually leave crumbs behind me wherever I eat. Basically, on a...

The Look 2

Life With Jordan and Sam

It’s 3:00 a.m. and I am sitting in a cloud of stink. It’s nothing new to be surrounded by stink. I grew up with two brothers who, I was certain, farted just to torture...

Man Behind Romance 0

The Man Behind the Romance

Jordan, while a romantic, doesn’t like things to get too romantic. Whenever a sweet moment gets borderline emotional, he’ll offset the mood with a joke or an inappropriate noise. It’s his way of keeping...

When in Rome 0

When in Rome

The dinner table was silent; all eyes were on Jordan. We were waiting for him to answer my grandmother’s question. Moments before, he’d been fielding inquires about his background and was in the middle...

Prague Beer House 0

Pushing My Buttons

At this point in our relationship I have a good idea when Jordan’s about to embarrass me. When we first started dating, however, it took a few surprises before I realized I needed to...