Category: Communication

Jordan Quotes 1

Jordan Quotes — Part 1

Most Life With Jordan posts end in a classic one-liner from our protagonist. Here are a few Jordan quotes that don’t need a lead up. On buying groceries: “Do you want me to get...

Monday Night Football 0

When to Walk Away

I recently took part in a Strength Finders workshop with my team. Since I’m on the East Coast and my team is on the West Coast, the workshop took place in the evening for...

The Great American Trailer Park Musical 0

The Blind Leading the Blind

Jordan hates using his iPhone for navigation, so it’s understood that I will figure out how to get wherever it is we have to go. Apparently this holds true even when the destination is...

Compromise 0


I’m not the healthiest person around but I do try to avoid foods that contain ingredients I can’t pronounce. So I was surprised the first time I found Crystal Light powder mix in our...

Puget Sound Ferry 0


Jordan teaches me many things that I’ve always suspected about men but didn’t really know for sure. For example, they take pride in their bowel movements and they love peeing outside. Another thing Jordan’s...